Former Police Officer Who Testified Against Friend Avoids Prison for Jan. 6 Riot

A former Virginia police officer who testified against a friend and former supervisor he joined at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, avoided prison time on Aug. 16 for his role in it.
Former Rocky Mount Police Officer Jacob Fracker, who previously pleaded guilty to conspiring with his fellow officer to obstruct Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over then-President Donald Trump, was sentenced to one year of probation, with 59 days in home confinement.
U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper, an Obama appointee, handed down the sentence in federal court in Washington after Fracker expressed regret.
Former Rocky Mount Police Sgt. Thomas Robertson “didn’t tell me how to act that day,” Fracker said, adding, “I acted on my own, and for that I apologize.”…

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