The Destructionist Phase of American History

For reasons I do not understand, I happen to be on the Democratic Party email list for donors. Several times per day, I receive notes demanding money. If I give $7, I could get a phone call from Joe Biden! Also, if I cough up for this or that candidate, the party will be well-positioned to spend many trillions more of tax dollars and then fund a police-state operation to seize more money from the American middle class. This way we can save the planet, or something.
It’s tedious or terrifying, depending on one’s mood at the moment. What’s most striking is the complete lack of self-awareness. They are throwing out all settled principles of fiscal responsibility, all embedded values over privacy and property, all concern for constitutional limitations on the state, all science and rationality, all in the pursuit of some wild ideological vision that they share but overwhelming numbers of the rest of the thinking public reject….

By admin

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