A ‘Safe Space’ From Cancel Culture in Corporate America and Governmental Overreach

Over the past decade, the rise of “cancel culture” and “woke” ideology has drifted out of the college campus and into mainstream society, becoming what some critics have described as a “cancer” in the American workplace and in the halls of government.
Thousands of individuals, including some CEOs, have faced discrimination for their beliefs or have been even terminated from their companies by activist co-workers and shareholders out of non-compliance with the newly dominant elite ideology, said Andrew Crapuchettes, the founder and CEO of Red Balloon, in an interview with The Epoch Times.
“Wokeness” in the workplace is also hurting American technological innovation and talent at a time when the United States is under threat from hostile foreign rivals like China, according to Crapuchettes, whose new start-up connects conservative businesses and workers without fear of discrimination due to their personal beliefs….

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