Women Take Over Public Service

Liz Truss, who may well become the next UK Conservative Party leader, has pledged to slash 350 woke jobs from the civil service, claiming such jobs “distract from delivering on the British people’s priorities.”
It would take a lot more to rid the Australian government of ideologues working against the priorities of ordinary people. Over the last few decades, our entire public service has been taken over by a female tsunami, including many firmly intent on pushing policies set to favour women at the expense of men.
The figures are extraordinary. We now have 67 percent females in the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 70 percent in health and in social services, 68 percent in attorney generals, 62 percent in education and employment, 59 percent in foreign affairs and trade, even 51 percent in treasury and 51 percent finance. Overall, 31 of 96 government agencies have 70 percent or more females….

By admin

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