Firing FBI Leadership Isn’t Enough

Victor Davis Hanson’s recent appearance on EpochTV’s American Thought Leaders with Jan Jekielek includes one of the most unabashedly scathing critiques of the FBI currently available.
As much is obvious. Hanson’s (mostly) ironic statement that he and Jan would “probably have the FBI knocking on this door by the end of the interview” is funny in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way precisely because it is emblematic of something very real in America—the targeting of political enemies and dissident thinkers by the state security apparatus.
Hanson cites some of the most egregious recent examples of the country’s politicized federal police force being wielded against enemies of the Washington establishment. From altered FISA applications to outright lying under oath when testifying to congressional committees; false stories about Russian disinformation in order to sway a national election to fabricated domestic terrorist plots. The argument that the agencies have overstepped their legal jurisdiction is laid bare….

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