Operation of Enbridge’s Line 5 Is ‘Non-Negotiable,’ Alberta Says

The continued operation of Line 5 is “non-negotiable,” says Alberta’s energy minister.
The comments come after a Michigan judge ruled in favour of Enbridge Inc. on Aug. 18, in the company’s long-running dispute with the state over the Line 5 cross-border pipeline.
Judge Janet Neff said the case belongs in federal court, marking the second time in nine months that Neff sided with Enbridge on the question of jurisdiction.
Neff’s ruling is the right decision, said Alex Puddifant, spokesperson to Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage.
“Alberta will continue to support strong action to ensure Line 5 remains operational so that families and businesses in Michigan, neighbouring states, Ontario and Quebec are provided with reliable and safe energy,” Puddifant said in a statement to The Epoch Times….

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