Buy Groceries With These ‘Hacks’ and Save

There are excuses from the pandemic and the war in Ukraine to the rising gas costs associated with inflation, but the bottom line is that food prices are up: 10.4 percent year over year from June 2021 to June 2022.
You might feel you need to take out a second mortgage to go grocery shopping, but if you’re willing to do a little planning and compromising, you can beat those high prices. These “hacks” will help you save at the grocery store.
Beware Bulk Buying
Back in the 1950s, an A&P Grocery store manager was having trouble moving cans of beans. He was trying to sell them for 25 cents a can. When they wouldn’t sell, he put a sign up that they were four for a dollar, and he sold out. He up-sold the quantity, and people thought they had a deal….

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