Gascón Recall Failure Means Crime Must Get Worse in LA Before It Gets Better

Despite Los Angeles’ worsening crime problem, the effort to oust District Attorney George Gascón, the architect of the soft-on-crime polices that are causing it, has failed. Incredibly, organizers collected over 700,000 signatures, yet came up 46,000 short of the number necessary to put the recall on the November ballot.
Skeptics are questioning the disqualification of 27 percent of the signatures. However, the bulk of the rejected signatures were from people who signed the petition twice. Organizers were already aware that 20-30 percent of signatures are typically rejected for this reason or because the signatory is not registered to vote in the county. In the recall campaign of Gascón’s counterpart in San Francisco, District Attorney Chesa Boudin, 30 percent of the signatures were rejected, but they still had enough….

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