On Health of the US Economy, Republicans and Democrats See Things Differently

A majority of people who voted for former President Donald Trump admit that America is in a recession, while only a minority of Biden supporters agreed, according to a recent poll by The Economist and YouGov.
In response to a question about whether the United States is in a recession, 82 percent of respondents who voted for Trump in the 2020 election said that yes, the country is in a recession. Just 38 percent of respondents who voted for President Joe Biden agreed, while 40 percent said no and another 22 percent said they were not sure.
Broken down by party, 76 percent of Republicans agreed that the United States is in a recession, with 9 percent dismissing the idea and 15 percent being unsure. Among Democrats, 44 percent said yes, 35 percent said no, and 21 percent said they were unsure….

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