What If?

Probably the most important thing in forecasting is the ability to ask: What if something is not how you think it is? Open speculation on world developments is the key to establishing a position, where basically nothing can really surprise you. And at that point, you have come so far as a forecaster.
The “What if?” questions I am currently asking are:

What if the raid of the Mar-a-Largo resort of President Trump was politically motivated?
What if the war in Ukraine was part of some plan to break the emerging Eurasian (China, Europe, Russia) global power structure?
What if central banks, or the “power brokers” behind them, know that monetary policies are going to crush the economy with interest rate hikes?
(To continue:) What if central bankers are deliberately pushing for the central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, to gain total oversight over the economy?

The first two are rather political, but as I mentioned before, politics has become a major factor affecting the global economy. That is why the questions need to be addressed and, perhaps, speculated upon….

By admin

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