Will the Supreme Court Stretch the Commerce Clause Even More?

As you may know, the primary “constitutional” justification for our out-of-control administrative state is a grossly bloated version of the Constitution’s Commerce Power. In a case pending before the Supreme Court, apologists for centralized authority want the justices to expand that power even more.
I have just researched and written a scholarly article (pdf) explaining the limits on the Commerce Power. In a separate post and accompanying memo (pdf), I’ve shown how one writer has abused source material to promote federal pretentions.
The public debates over the Constitution were held from 1787 to 1790. During those debates some Americans warned that, once the Constitution was in place, power-hungry federal officials and their supporters would twist the document out of recognition—that they would use “sophistry” to expand federal prerogatives. Sophistry is employing arguments that sound reasonable but really are false or misleading….

By admin

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