‘Woke’ Ideology Is the Way the Elite Says They’re Superior to You

What do you think “virtue signaling” is about? The point of it is to claim superiority for the speaker, and inferiority for the listener. It means “I am a good person, and, if you do not agree with me enthusiastically, you are a bad person.”
When the Canadian prime minister says that he’s a feminist and demands of others that they implement feminist policies, and that he’s anti-racist and that others must implement anti-racist policies, he’s saying, “If you agree with me and act as I ask, you are a good person. If you disagree with me, you are a wrong thinker, misogynist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, and probably an insurrectionist who should be in jail.” This is exactly what Justin Trudeau said to the truckers striking in Ottawa instead of talking to them about their concerns….

By admin

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