Biden’s Racism

Unless you’re a person of color or a favored minority, brace yourself to be treated unfairly by the Biden administration.
President Joe Biden is pushing racial equity. That’s very different from equal treatment regardless of race. Racial equity means government can treat people unequally, discriminating against white people, to equalize outcomes. For the Biden administration, it means closing the wealth gap between the white and black populations—by whatever means.
You may think it’s “unfair” to be forced to pay off other people’s student loans after you’ve already paid back your own. But Biden’s White House actually defends debt cancellation as a way to close the “wealth gap” between races, citing data showing that 20 years after starting college, the average black borrower still owes 95 percent of the loan, while the average white borrower has paid off all but 6 percent….

By admin

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