Gazprom Says the First Half Net Profit $41.8 Billion, Will Pay Dividends

MOSCOW—Russian gas giant Gazprom made a record 2.5 trillion rubles ($41.75 billion) in net profit in the first half of 2022 and its board recommended paying interim dividends after skipping its annual payout for the first time since 1998, the company said on Tuesday.
Gazprom dividends are a sensitive issue for the market, which was disappointed by the Russian government, Gazprom’s main shareholder, June decision not to pay dividends on last year’s results.
“Despite sanctions pressure and an unfavourable external environment, the Gazprom Group reported record IFRS revenues and net profit in the first half of 2022, while reducing net debt and leverage to a minimum,” Famil Sadygov, Gazprom’s deputy chief executive, said in a statement….

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