La Nina Weather Pattern Predicted To Return in Southern Hemisphere: Bureau of Meterology

Australians have been told to brace for more rain and flooding this summer after the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) said in its latest climate update for the region that the La Nina Alert will remain in place.
“The Bureau’s ENSO Outlook continues at La Niña ALERT, indicating at least a 70 percent chance of La Niña reforming later this year,” the Bureau said. “This is around triple the normal likelihood. La Niña events increase the chances of above-average rainfall for northern and eastern Australia during spring and summer.”
NOAA illustration of how La Niña impacts global climate patterns throughout the year. (NOAA)
BOM also noted that it had seen evidence that cooling is underway in the tropical Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean is experiencing a “negative” Indian Ocean Dipole, where the waters are cooler on the ocean’s west than on its east and westerly winds hit Australia’s northwest….

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