[Premiering 9/02 at 1PM ET] 24 States Enact Pro-Gun ‘Constitutional Carry’ Laws Securing 2A Rights: Texas Director of Gun Owners of America | Facts Matter

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In this interview we sat down with Wes Virdell, the Texas State Director of Gun Owners of America (GOA), the second largest gun lobby organization in the US. The mission of the GOA is to pass legislation that supports the second amendment while holding legislators accountable for their pro second amendment campaign promises.
Our discussion begins with Wes’ belief that the second amendment is the only thing keeping the US Federal government at bay right now. Wes highlights the world’s long history of tyrants disarming their citizens prior to exerting total control over their livelihoods. He points out how other western countries that have recently given up their gun rights only to be saddled by their own government with tyrannical policies….

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