Rabbi Endorses Mastriano as Shapiro Calls Him Antisemitic in Pennsylvania Governor Race

Religion has clouded the conversation in the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race.
While voters are interested in the usual issues such as economy, voter integrity, and public safety; forces swirling around the race have now also made it about faith.
Over the last six weeks, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who is Jewish and the Democratic candidate for governor, has consistently asserted that Republican candidate, Sen. Doug Mastriano, is antisemitic.
Following the Supreme decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Attorney General Josh Shapiro spoke about his office’s continued commitment to protect abortion access for women in Pittsburgh on July 14, 2022. (Commonwealth Media Services)
Shapiro’s campaign has sent countless press releases to media promoting the claim. Shapiro has appeared on MSNBC discussing how worried he is about Mastriano and his supporters, with his campaign orchestrating high profile press conferences with politically-engaged Jewish leaders, including far-left Democrat and state Rep. Dan Frankel….

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