Do We Really Need an Indigenous Voice to Parliament?

While Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his minister for Indigenous affairs frolic with NBA Basketball legends, and high profile people and big corporates lecture regular people about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament (the Voice), the proposed referendum has turned into a bully pulpit for elitists, Aboriginal academic activists, the media, the powerful and the wealthy.
Racial abuse, threats, insults, and fear have driven the so-called “debate” so far.
On social media and in conversations, anyone who questions the referendum has been singled out for abuse and threats. Senior legal people, including the Silks at the Bar who will run and, in time, preside over the legal cases on the proposed new Constitutional provisions, have been driven into silence. They’re unwilling to state publicly how they believe the Voice will impact public law and parliamentary and government decision-making for fear of losing briefs (cancellation, changers-style)….

By admin

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