FBI Ignored ‘Eyewitness Testimony’ of Joe Biden’s Involvement in Son’s China Deal: Senator

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said that the FBI ignored eyewitness testimony regarding President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s dealings with a Chinese conglomerate about a month before the 2020 election.
The former Senate Homeland Security Committee chairman told the New York Post that “suppression and censoring of his testimony and Hunter’s influence peddling impacted the 2020 election” far worse than anything China or Russia could have achieved.
About a month before the November 2020 election, a former associate of Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinksi, told media outlets that Joe Biden was involved with his son’s and brother Jim Biden’s dealings with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party-linked energy conglomerate. Bobulinksi confirmed the authenticity of emails sourced from the younger Biden’s laptop hard drive that referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” due to a 10 percent cut in the new corporate organization….

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