After Memphis, Time to Put ‘Soros District Attorneys’ Under Legal Restraints

On Sept. 7, it was Memphis, Tennessee, where the bodies were splattered.  
But it could have been anywhere.  
Pick any U.S. city—Los Angeles; Chicago; New York; Detroit; Portland, Oregon (home of rampaging Antifa brown shirts), or right where I live in Nashville, Tennessee, to name just a few, the list could go on and on—and you will find an escalation of unspeakable violence.
How do you have a civilization like that? How do you have a country like that?
That it’s largely black people who are the victims of these crimes and murders has been known for years, however, that seems to have no effect on the mayors and district attorneys of these cities—victims, as they are, of mass formation psychosis (ideological brainwashing) and the diktats of Lord Soros, who helped get many of them elected….

By admin

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