Cory Morgan: With Poilievre’s Win, Counting on a Divided CPC No Longer a Winning Strategy for Liberals

Leadership races can be dangerous affairs. They can be unifying party-building exercises that expand support across the country, or they can tear a party to shreds from the inside. The 2022 Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leadership race was of the beneficial kind of offering, not just a victory for Pierre Poilievre but for the party as a whole.
Few were surprised by Poilievre’s first-ballot victory in the leadership race. His campaign made waves across the country with packed rallies of enthusiastic supporters in every region. Jean Charest ran a solid campaign but just couldn’t get a strong momentum going, while the rest of the field of candidates struggled to garner notice. Nobody foresaw a 68 percent first ballot blowout for Poilievre, especially under the regionally weighted point system used for the race….

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