US-Iran Nuclear Talks Are Overshadowing Iran Backed Target Attacks: Experts

The U.S.-Iran nuclear talks that continue to hang by a thread have disrupted the world’s focus on Iran’s various malign activities, particularly the alleged recent targeted attacks against noted Americans on American soil and Iranian dissidents around the world, according to experts.
While the West has for decades condemned Iran’s global terrorism apparatus, including its attacks against dissidents, the experts said it hasn’t done enough to curtail such activity while the regime has become more sophisticated by the day.
This year alone, the Islamic regime has been linked to an Aug. 21 bomb plot against Iranian pop singer Ebrahim Hamedi in Sweden, a July 29 assassination plot against activist Masih Alinejad in New York, an Aug. 12 attack on Salman Rushdie in New York, and alleged plots to kill Israeli tourists and businesspeople in Istanbul in June this year. Earlier notable cases include assassination plots in Denmark against an Iranian-Arab opposition….

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