Why Are the ‘Liberal’ Rich Destroying America’s Greatest Cities?

Two powerful new articles—“The Fall of Los Angeles” by Joel Kotkin and “NYC’s Trinity School bares its unholy leftist hate” by Miranda Devine—illustrate in different ways what most of us have known for some time.
America’s two greatest cities are in drastic decline.
That people are departing them is hardly surprising. The real surprise may be that everybody hasn’t left. And I’m not just talking about the obvious—pervasive homelessness, garbage everywhere, the near-complete lack of public safety, and growing crime approaching dystopia.
I’m talking about something even more obvious and repellent—the rich, often mega-rich, “liberals” and “progressives” who run these cities don’t care if they are run into the ground as long as they look good to themselves and their cronies and no one intrudes on or interrupts their lavish lifestyles….

By admin

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