Queensland to Host Summit to Deal With Lockdown-Driven Migration, Homelessness

The government of Queensland has announced a Housing Summit to deal with several issues plaguing the state’s housing market following an interstate migration boom driven by lockdowns in Australia’s big southern cities.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said an initial roundtable on Sept. 16 will be held followed by the larger Summit in October.
“Nothing is more important than having a roof over your head—it’s a basic need—and the stories of people without secure housing are heartbreaking,” the premier said in a statement.
“Affordable housing is critical to maintaining our great Queensland lifestyle.”
The Property Council of Australia estimated in an August report (pdf) that the state’s population increased by 750,000 between 2011 to 2021, with around 90 percent of those choosing to reside in the south-east corner of the state—around population centres like Brisbane, Gold Coast, and the Sunshine Coast….

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