Sheriff’s Department Searches LA County Supervisor’s Home Over Corruption Allegations

The home of Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl was searched the morning of Sept. 14 by the sheriff’s department as part of a public corruption investigation.
Kuehl, elected in 2018 to represent District 3, was escorted out of her home around 7 a.m. by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD). The supervisor was accused of aiding nonprofit Peace Over Violence in winning contracts—totaling over $890,000 between 2014 and 2020—with LA Metro to operate a hotline for reporting sexual harassment on its trains and buses.
Officers could be seen entering her home, going into different rooms, and taking photos and videos.
The affidavit that led to the warrants describes the case as a probe into “an allegation of criminal conduct” by Kuehl. It details the long history of friendship between her and Patricia “Patti” Giggans, who runs Peace Over Violence, noting that Kuehl officiated Giggans’s wedding in 2004 when she was a state senator….

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