Signature Drive Seeking to Halt Implementation of Universal School Choice in Arizona

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—Valerie Shannon of Scottsdale, Arizona, said she’s happy that both her children are able to attend public schools in the city.
She also looks forward to having more parental control over her children’s education under a universal school choice program that begins in Arizona on Sept. 24.
However, all that might not happen if opponents of the bill successfully garner the required 118,000 signatures to refer the matter to Arizona’s secretary of state to suspend the legislation, and bring it to a statewide ballot vote in 2024.
“Special interests have long been [forcing] through bills expanding these [programs with the ultimate goal of dismantling the public education system and erecting a for-profit, taxpayer-funded system in its place,” according to Save Our Schools (SOS) Arizona….

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