Newsom Signs Legislation Allowing Contracts Tied to Corruption to Be Voided

Gov. Gavin Newson signed new legislation last week to allow officials throughout California to void any contracts established as a result of bribery.
Senate Bill 34, signed into law Sept. 13, was inspired by the aborted Angel Stadium sale in the City of Anaheim, according to its author state Sen. Thomas Umberg (D-Santa Ana).
“It is painful to watch the trust of the public be so egregiously eroded,” he said in a Sept. 19 statement. “SB 34 is a big step towards helping to restore the trust of the residents of Anaheim and Orange County.”
Taking effect Jan. 1, 2024, it will apply to contracts executed on or after January 1, 2023, including those negotiated before that date, according to the bill text….

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