Space-Out Competition Draws South Koreans Ready to Zone Out

Around 50 people took part in a South Korean contest to be named the best person at doing nothing.
The annual Space-out competition in Seoul on Sunday drew participants dressed to rest and impress, including some in pajamas and police uniforms. Some brought their favorite relaxation equipment, including a camping chair and a rocking horse.
Before taking to their blue mats to compete, contestants wrote on a wall poster explaining why they had chosen to spend the weekend zoning out in public, with strangers.
Contestants were led in a group stretch, to help them relax.
The main Space-out event ran for 90 minutes, with participants’ heart rates monitored constantly. Players faced elimination for checking their phones, falling asleep, or if they laughed, spoke, sang, danced, or drank a beverage not served by the organizer….

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