Do US Business Elites Really Believe Woke Ideology?

With investment firms such as BlackRock demanding that companies meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benchmarks if they want investors’ money, U.S. corporate elites seem to have adopted a left-wing worldview. Does it mean that Big Finance is on the verge of going Red?
No. It’s just a fashionable ideological cover Wall Street is using to disguise its efforts to crush Main Street and bleed the middle class into servitude.
And yes. Insofar as communism is just a utopian narrative that 20th and 21st century ruling classes have used to rationalize oligarchy, the corporate class’s anti-free market rhetoric is evidence of its efforts to impoverish the middle class. Thus, the specter of “woke capital” is haunting America, where money managers such as BlackRock CEO Larry Fink sit at the top of an aspirational dictatorship of the proletariat….

By admin

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