Authorities Should Back Pets Over Coyotes

One of the odd stories I’ve covered over the years is coyotes in urban Southern California. I’ve always backed trapping and killing them. Too bad for them and the animal rights crowd.
The predators are making the news again. This month, Manhattan Beach’s City Council voted against trapping and killing them. And the Los Angeles Times just ran a story, “Inside the war against Southern California’s urban coyotes. ‘Horrific’ or misunderstood?”
I have personal reasons for saying “horrific.” The coyotes have attacked countless people’s pets, including my own.
One day in the afternoon around 2015 I heard my cat Tinkerbell screeching outside my apartment window in Huntington Beach. I picked up a cane I sometimes used when my knee arthritis kicked up, rushed down the single fight of stairs, and saw her huddled under a parked car, still screeching. A coyote was in the middle street about to pounce should Tinkerbell come out….

By admin

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