3.4 Magnitude Earthquake Rumbles Southwest of Prince George, BC

Almost 150 people reported feeling a recent 3.4 magnitude earthquake near Prince George, B.C., to Earthquakes Canada.
Most of the people who reported feeling the quake’s effects described its intensity as “weak,” but 28 people described it as being a degree higher than that, according to the Community Internet Intensity report.
“There are no reports of major damage or injuries and none are expected.” Emergency Info B.C. stated, declaring the quake occurred just after 3 p.m. on Sept. 21, with a 3.4 magnitude, and at a depth of 5 kilometres.
Earthquakes with a magnitude less than 3.5 are recorded on local seismographs but generally not felt. In contrast, quakes at 3.5 to 5.4 magnitude are often felt but rarely cause damage, according to Earthquakes Canada….

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