Hong Kong COVID-19 Quarantine Requirement Reduced to ‘0+3’ and Rapid Antigen Test Allowed Before Boarding

The Hong Kong government announced four measures to facilitate the arrival into Hong Kong on Sept. 23, changing the quarantine arrangement for arrivals from “3+4” days to “0+3” days; replacing the requirement for PCR test within 48 hours before boarding with rapid antigen test (RAT) within 24 hours before boarding, and so on. The new measures will be effective from 6:00 a.m. on Sept. 26.
Hong Kong has been following the CCP’s “Zero-COVID” strategy and has implemented a stricter test and quarantine policy for arrivals than most cities worldwide.
Before Aug. 13, inbound travelers were required to isolate in quarantine hotels for 7 days, and home quarantine for 7 days….

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