CyberHacker Releases 10,000 Optus Customer Details, Demands $1 Million Cyber Ransom

The hacker claiming to be behind the cyber attack against Optus has released 10,000 customer records and threatened to leak more if the Australian telecommunication giant refuses to pay them US$1 million in cryptocurrency.  
The user known as “OptusData” has stolen the personal records of 9.8 million Australians including details such as driver licence, passport numbers, home and email addresses, phone numbers, date of birth and Medicare numbers.
They claimed Optus only has four days until they sell the data to other cyber criminals.  
“Only contact onsite! Optus if you wish to contact message onsite! We are businessmen 1.000.000$US is lot of money and will keep too our word. If you care about customer you will pay! Revenue 9B$ dollar, 1M$US small price to pay!” the user warned in a ransom note posted on an online data breach forum.  …

By admin

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