Rex Murphy: Controversy Over Ontario Teacher With Large Fake Breasts May Challenge the Dominance of Woke Ideology

It was encouraging to see some parents—and students—come out in protest Sept. 23 against the patent lunacy going on in the Oakville Trafalgar High School in Ontario. Some schools, and especially some school boards all over the continent, are increasingly becoming highlighted for their furious embrace of “diversity, identity, and so-called inclusion”—an embrace that in the more ideologically driven arenas has assumed a dangerous priority over the process of education itself.
It is very difficult, in fact impossible from a common-sense angle, to disagree with the sentiments voiced by the protesting parents: “It’s just wrong. It’s gone too far. Students have a dress code to abide by. Why should the teachers not?” As it is equally impossible to refute the claim made by one student who spoke at the protest as reported by the Burlington Post: “I thought teachers were supposed to set the example for the students, not the other way around.”…

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