Too Much Choice

Back in 2015, in a highly publicized comment, Bernie Sanders said there was too much choice in underarm deoderant and sneakers.
His complaint is not totally without support from professional psychologists. According to well received research in this field, too much choice can actually be debilitating. These scholars study this matter and conclude that there results “analysis paralysis,” “pushing people around,” “self-doubt,” and “dread.” Well, they don’t have this problem in the good old USSR, where Bernie spent his honeymoon.
Of course, “one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” Not everyone will go off the deep end with the same number of (presumably excessive) options. But still, too many is indeed too many. Does the socialist senator from Vermont have a valid point? Does capitalism (or at least the vestiges of that system we still have in this country) constitute a threat to mental health from this source?…

By admin

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