Supreme Court Showdown on Censorship Ahead

A staggering 99 percent of Twitter employees who make political contributions give to Democrats. It’s almost as lopsided at Facebook and Alphabet (the parent company of Google), according to Federal Election Commission records.
Relying on these left-leaning tech platforms to be even-handed was always naïve. But recent evidence—email correspondence between Big Tech executives and some 45 Biden administration officials—suggests a danger even bigger than Silicon Valley bias. Government is actually calling the shots on what to censor. The U.S Constitution bars government from censoring, so Team Biden has deputized Silicon Valley to do its dirty work.
The complicity between the Biden administration and Big Tech should frighten all Americans. It’s like a vice tightening its grip, snuffing out freedom. That makes reining in Big Tech even more urgent. On Sept. 16, the opportunity arrived….

By admin

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