People Locked Down in Xinjiang Unable to Visit Hometowns for China’s National Day Holiday

Many people in China’s Xinjiang region can’t leave to visit their hometowns during the week-long “October First” holiday– the regime’s “National day” under its restrictive zero-COVID-19 control measures. Meanwhile, protests broke out against the indefinite lockdowns.
Most of Xinjiang, which is in China’s northwest and home to an ethnic Uyghur majority, has now been under COVID-19 lockdown for more than 50 days.
Mr. Guo, who’s working in Urumqi, Xinjiang, but from Sichuan Province, told The Epoch Times on Sept. 29 that because his local area is still under lockdown, he is not allowed to return home to visit his family during the “October First” holiday this year….

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