UK Groups Jointly Urge Liz Truss to Hark Human Rights Concerns, Sanction CCP Officials and Publicly Stand Against CCP

On the eve of the 73rd anniversary National Day in Communist China, a total of nine British human rights organizations, including Hongkongers in Britain, Global Alliance for Tibet and Persecuted Minorities, and Stop Uyghur Genocide, wrote to the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss. The organizations urged the British government to pay heed to the threats targeted at Hongkongers, Tibetans, and Uyghurs. They also demanded the new prime minister respond to their five demands with actions, including sanctioning the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials.
Former Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at Hong Kong Baptist University, Wong Wai-kwok, asserted that the joint letter is an essential step to test whether the British government could shake off its past practice of unoffending the CCP….

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