Tories Seem to Be the Only Ones in the House Who Understand Fiscal Responsibility

The Liberals, Bloc Quebecois, NDP, and Green parties were unified in opposing Pierre Poilievre’s motion in the House of Commons to halt the planned increases to the federal carbon tax.
While I am sure Poilievre genuinely would have liked to see his motion pass, he was under no illusion it would. I suspect he was pleased with the unity displayed on the part of the rest of the parties on the issue. The Conservative Party of Canada is staking its territory in opposing tax increases and clearly defining where the party stands under Poilievre’s leadership.
With the cost of living on the rise and Canada facing a possible recession, federal leaders must articulate to Canadians how they plan to address these challenges. The Trudeau Liberals are continuing with a tax-borrow-spend approach to the economy, while the CPC proposes to reduce the tax burden on citizens. Poilievre is staying true to the conservative economic principles he campaigned on in pursuing the party leadership. He is consolidating support for the CPC while the rest of the parties overlap with each other in supporting tax increases….

By admin

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