Memos Show FBI Double Standard on Sexual Misconduct Favors Execs: Grassley

Internal Department of Justice (DOJ) documents obtained from FBI whistleblowers show at least 44 high-level FBI officials either resigned or retired without being disciplined after sexual misconduct charges were documented against them, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
Those 44 officials left the FBI before the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) was able to file official recommendations for appropriate penalties, Grassley said in a statement that was made available to The Epoch Times. The final disposition of one case in which the FBI executive left the bureau after OPR issued its decision isn’t known.
The 45—all of whom were members of the federal government’s Senior Executive Service—were among a total of 665 FBI employees who were confirmed by investigators to have committed sexual misconduct while on the job between 2004 and 2020. The data was produced for a review conducted by the DOJ’s Office of Disciplinary Appeals of FBI disciplinary records….

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