Democrats Run Network of Fake Local News Sites in Battleground States: Report

Democrats are running a network of quasi-local news websites to spread pro-Democrat messages in swing states ahead of the midterm elections, according to reports.
The network, according to Axios, encompasses at least 51 local news outlets across 10 swing states, with each of them having a non-partisan sounding name such as the Milwaukee Metro Times, the Tri-City Record, and the Mecklenburg Herald. These sites share a common template, which mixes sports stories and other local news with political content that is heavily biased toward Democrat candidates and against their Republican competitors.
The sites are purportedly run by a one-year-old, Florida-based company called Local Report, according to the “About Us” pages for each outlet. They may also be partly run by the American Independent, a progressive media company owned by Hilary Clinton-affiliated investment firm True Blue Media, considering that the bulk of these sites’ content is produced by American Independent writers….

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