‘Frightening’ Decolonisation Movement Taking Hold of British Universities: Report

Seventy percent of UK universities are undertaking some form of decolonisation, according to a new report.
The British think tank Civitas, which works on issues related to democracy and social policy, claims that while attacks on free speech seem to be worsening, universities are also seeing the spread of a phenomenon known as “decolonisation.”
The report (pdf) said that decolonisation has no concrete definition, but that it “seeks to rewrite academic curricula as well as reorder the university as an institution, in the name of making them more ‘inclusive.’”
“Is this a threat to academic freedom? The answer is ‘yes’, if it entails pressure on academics by radical activists to conform, overriding their independence in setting their reading lists and writing their lectures,” wrote report author Richard Norrie, director of statistics at Civitas….

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