Oil Pipeline Operator Set to Pay $50 Million to Settle Suit Over 2021 Spill in Huntington Beach

Groups affected by the 2021 oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach will receive $50 million in financial compensation from the pipeline operator, Amplify Energy, according to court records filed Oct. 17.
The agreement requires Amplify to pay $34 million to fishers, $9 million to property owners, and $7 million to tourism industry, including whale-watching companies, according to attorney Wylie Aitken, who leads a legal team representing the plaintiffs. Funding will come from the company’s insurance to compensate an estimated 100,000 people.
“We are pleased to have reached an agreement … we negotiated in good faith and believe we have come to a reasonable and fair resolution,” Martyn Willsher, Amplify’s president and CEO, said in an Aug. 25 statement….

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