Australia Joins UN Methane Reduction Scheme, Pledges Funding for Flatulence Pill

The Australian Labor government has signed on to the United Nation’s Global Methane Pledge that commits to cutting emissions of gas by 30 percent by 2030.
The move follows in the footsteps of 120 other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union.
Under the voluntary pledge, the government will roll out a series of actions to cut down methane in sectors such as energy, waste, and agriculture—flatulence and belching from livestock is the number one source of methane, according to scientists.
“By joining the Pledge, Australia will join the rest of the world’s major agricultural commodity exporters, including the United States, Brazil, and Indonesia, in identifying opportunities to reduce emissions in this hard-to-abate sector,” said Chris Bowen, the minister for climate change and energy, in a statement on Oct. 23….

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