Bernie Sanders Opposes Eliminating Debt Ceiling as GOP Prepares to Fight Over Spending Cuts

Bernie Sanders, chair of the Senate Budget Committee, supports raising America’s debt ceiling but insists that the practice itself of having a debt ceiling must remain.
“You have to increase the debt ceiling,” Sanders insisted while speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union.” When asked whether the debt ceiling must be kept, Sanders confirmed “Yes, yes.” Sanders went on to criticize the GOP for proposing cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security—a move he called “absolutely irresponsible.” The Republican Party is expected to insist on such spending cuts in return for agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.
“What Republicans are basically doing—and I hope everybody understands this—they are saying, ‘Look, we are prepared to let the United States default on its debt, not raise the debt ceiling, unless you talk about making cuts,’” Sanders said….

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