The Dangers of Night Shifts: How Night Workers Put Their Health on the Line

Night shift workers are integral to multiple areas of society; however, people may not be fully aware of the danger that such work pose.
The impact of night work is not only daytime sleepiness, which can increase a person’s risk of road accidents, but also a higher risk of cancer, gastrointestinal issues, obesity, diabetes, and many other negative health consequences.
Sleep Health Foundation Board Member and Senior Sleep Scientist in the Adult Sleep Laboratory at Newcastle’s John Hunter Hospital, Gemma Paech, told The Epoch Times that night shifts are potentially hazardous for people’s health.
“Shift work, in general, has been shown to be associated with a lot of different health problems. So, it could be related to physical health. Shift workers might be more at risk of developing gastrointestinal issues,” Paech said….

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