The Guilty Pleasure of Twitter Terminations

There is no English equivalent for Schadenfreude. It means to take guilty pleasure in the suffering of others when it is well deserved. We all know what that is like. We feel like it but don’t indulge it because we are not mean people. We are nice people. And yet, there are times when you just have to realize it: we are experiencing schadenfreude.
The occasion this time: Elon Music seems poised to close the deal with Twitter. It gets better. Word on the street is that he will fire 75 percent of the staff. That 5,625 people who had the time of their lives for 30 months, languishing in their PJs, staying stoned, and censoring anyone who contradicts their pathetic undergrad woke educations, are soon to be out on their ears does provide some solace….

By admin

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