Commissioner Lucki Contemplated Dressing Soldiers in RCMP Uniforms During Freedom Convoy: Text Messages

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki told OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique on Feb. 13 that she was thinking about dressing military personnel in RCMP uniforms to increase police resources, according to text messages filed as evidence at the Public Order Emergency Commission.
“It’s funny you say that, because I was thinking maybe we use CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] but in our uniforms as unarmed Auxiliaries or Spl. Csts. [special constables] to supplement us.. in teams,” Lucki wrote.
Lucki had previously asked Carrique whether he saw a role for the CAF in the enforcement or management of the events.
“[For] example, after we secure and all is back to ‘normal’, maybe keeping sites secure or patrolling unmanned POEs [Points of Entries] etc.”…

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