Alan Dershowitz: Partisanship Is Destroying Principles in America

“How dare they call themselves progressives,” Alan Dershowitz says. “They are regressives. They are reactionaries. They are repressors.”
In a recent episode of EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek and Harvard law professor emeritus Dershowitz discuss his latest book “The Price of Principle: Why Integrity is Worth the Consequences,” which argues that “unprincipled” partisanship has taken over the United States.
One of the top constitutional lawyers in the country, and a self-described liberal Democrat, Dershowitz has been excoriated by both the right and the left for defending highly unpopular public figures. Here, he shares his thoughts on systemic racism, due process, civil liberties, and the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States….

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