Investigative Reporter Reveals CCP’s Legacy of Environmental Destruction in China

During the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20th national congress, China’s ruling regime claimed that they have been more effective in managing the environment over the past decade, citing official data. However, a Chinese investigative journalist revealed that the deterioration of the environment in mainland China is shocking and may not recover for decades.
Zhai Qing, vice minister for the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said at a press conference during the party congress that in the past ten years, under the guidance of “Xi Jinping and the thought of ecological civilization,” the party has made overall advances in China’s ecological and environmental protection. He claimed numerous achievements, including China becoming the country with the fastest improvement in air quality in the world, the country’s improved safety rating for the drinking water of 770 million people, and the restoration and increase in population of more than 300 kinds of rare and endangered wild animals and plants….

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